Thursday, January 11, 2007


Play List for 1/11/2007 featuring special guest Steven Mercato and his collection of film soundtracks. Thanks for sharing, Steven!!

1. Wendy Carlos "Heartbeats & Worry" from The Shining

2. Wojciech Kilar, "Opening Titles" from The 9th Gate

3. Wendy Carlos "Colorado" from The Shining

4. Krzysztof Komeda, "The Coven/Moment Musical" from Rosemary's Baby

5. Wojciech Kilar, "Vocalise - Theme From The Ninth Gate" from The 9th Gate

6. Krzysztof Komeda, "Lullaby" from Rosemary's Baby

7. Music from Disney's Haunted Mansion ride

8. Wendy Carlos "Clockwork Black" from Tales of Heaven and Hell CD

9. Wendy Carlos "Paraphrase for Cello" from The Shining

10. Angelo Francesco Lavagnino "Bolle Di Azoto" from Gamma I Quadrilogy: 60's Italian Cinematic Science CD

11. Dr Who at the Radiophonic Workshop V.1 "Entry Into The Tardis"

12. Piero Piccioni, "La Decima Vittima" from The 10th Victim"

13. The Fantasy Film Music of George Pal, "Transformation" from The Power

14. Basil Kirchin, "Phibe's Preparations" from The Abominable Dr. Phibes

15. Piero Piccioni, "The Rendezvous" from The 10th Victim

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